May 13, 2012

In the LymeLight

Freeskier Angeli VanLaanen, 26, is working on a documentary film, called "LymeLight," that follows her professional ski career and her battle with Lyme disease. The film is currently in the fundraising stage and has no debut date yet.

    This month -- May is Lyme awareness month -- VanLaanen is working to raise funds for her movie, and get the message about Lyme disease out there. "I want to create a campaign to raise awareness for Lyme disease," VanLaanen says. "The goal is to educate and inspire through sharing my experience."The documentary is not for profit, VanLaanen says. Ultimately, VanLaanen hopes to return to competitive halfpipe skiing.

Lyme disease :

May 8, 2012

May 2012- Health Observations and Events

Months - Health Current Events May 2012

Awareness Event Nation Related Organization Comments
ALS Awareness MonthUnited States ALS Association
    [Currently Running]
Arthritis Awareness MonthUnited States Arthritis Foundation
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Asthma and Allergy Awareness MonthUnited States Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
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Better Hearing and Speech MonthUnited States ASHA
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Better Sleep MonthUnited States Better Sleep Council
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Celiac Awareness MonthUnited States National Foundation for Celiac Awareness
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Clean Air MonthUnited States American Lung Association
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Correct Posture MonthUnited States American Chiropractic Association
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Cystic Fibrosis MonthWorldwide Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
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Hepatitis Awareness MonthWorldwide Hepatitis Foundation International
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Huntington's Disease Awareness MonthUnited States Huntington's Disease Society Of America
    [Currently Running]
Lyme Disease Awareness MonthWorldwide Lyme Disease Foundation
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Multiple Sclerosis Awareness MonthCanada Multiple Sclerosis Society Of Canada
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National Cancer Research MonthUnited States American Association for Cancer Research
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National Crohn's and Colitis Awareness MonthAustralia Crohn's & Colitis Australia
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National High Blood Pressure Education MonthUnited States Center for Disease Control and Prevention
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National Lupus Awareness MonthUnited States Lupus Foundation of America
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National Melanoma Skin Cancer Awareness MonthUnited States American Academy of Dermatology
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National Mental Health MonthUnited States Mental Health America
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National Neurofibromatosis MonthUnited States Children's Tumor Foundation
    [Currently Running]
National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month United States National Osteoporosis Society
    [Currently Running]
National Physiotherapy MonthCanada Canadian Physiotherapy Association
    [Currently Running]
National Stroke Awareness MonthUnited States National Stroke Association
    [Currently Running]
Vision Health MonthCanada Canadian National Institute for the Blind
    [Currently Running]

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